Instantly SMS services provider – sms number virtual

Virtual numbers for account activations via sms
We offer the virtual numbers for your account activation from anywhere like Nigeria, the United States, Ghana, Bangladesh, Morocco, India, Pakistan, and many more. The benefit of these virtual numbers you can easily verify your social media accounts without using your private number. These paid sms verification services are able to receive messages all over the world even it comes to any country globally. Privacy is very important nowadays if you don’t want to share your private number with anyone for social media activation so we offer account verification via SMS by a virtual number.
Rent phone number for sms verification
Like the other free websites, our service will not be banned during the process of verification on any website or social media accounts. Now you can easily avoid the use of your private numbers on social media accounts by rent a phone number for social media verification. We have gigantic numbers of mobile numbers with a variety of precedes.